There is no way to limit the size of std.out or catalina.out files within Yellowfin, as this is controlled by Tomcat, but there are potential solutions for this.
1. From within Yellowfin, there is simply no parameter to set the size of the file itself.
However, you can limit the amount of information logged to these file/s (which will still be logged in the Yellowfin.log).
To limit the logging, edit the file located under Yellowfin\appserver\webapps\WEB-INF and then remove "cons" from the code excerpt below.
# Set the default logging level to INFO, and log to console and application log file log4j.rootCategory=INFO, cons, applog
# Set the default logging level to INFO, and log to console and application log file log4j.rootCategory=INFO, applog
By doing the above, Yellowfin data will not be logged into these files, though this information should still be logged within the Yellowfin.log file.
2. Another option would be to do something like the following (note this particular example is specific to Linux, but there there are likely similar possibilities there as well with some third party software like 7z, batch command and the task scheduler):
You can, for example, add the file tomcat to /etc/logrotate.d/ and perform something like:
/../appserver/logs/catalina.out { copytruncate daily rotate 7 compress missingok size 100M }r/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
This results in an output like this:
At which point, the file can't 'explode' in size anymore as it will be limited to 7 files of 100MB and will cycle through this 7, meaning you will eventually lose data as file 8 comes around after 700MB of logging data, which will then replace the oldest log file.