By default, Yellowfin will only display up to 1000 LDAP groups in the list. However, you can filter this group list to return a shorter list by adding a string to the Yellowfin 'Configuration' table.
You will need to add an extra row with the following:
IpOrg ConfigTypeCode ConfigCode ConfigData
The contents of LDAPSUBSTRING is inserted into the LDAP Query to return groups, which is "(&(objectClass=group))"
So, for example, if your LDAPSUBSTRING is "(cn=*DataMart*)" the full query sent to the LDAP server is "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=*DataMart*))"
So the contents of LDAPSUBSTRING can be any LDAP query that can exist within an AND block, "(&(query)(query))"
Values ('1', 'SYSTEM', 'LDAPSUBSTRING','(!(name=*Group*))' )
Please note!
The syntax is dependant on the capabilities of the server.
Some example queries are here: