A formatter for formatting negative numbers as zero is outlined below. You will need to install and customize the binary JAR file below. This is a simple formatter which is a good candidate for showing how these work.
Note the negative numbers are formatted as zero.
Here is the source code to this formatter:
package com.example.formatter;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import com.hof.mi.interfaces.CustomFormatter;
public class ZeroFormatter extends CustomFormatter {
public String getName() {
return "Zero Fromatter";
public boolean acceptsNativeType(int type) {
return type == TYPE_NUMERIC;
public String render(Object data, int renderType) {
if (data!=null && data instanceof Number) {
float number = ((Number) data).floatValue();
if (number <= 0) {
return "0";
} else {
NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat();
return "+" + nf.format(data);
return null;
Basically, for each row of data render (data, renderType) is called. Data is the raw data to be displayed, you can manipulate this as you like and return a string of the rendered value. To develop these yourself you will need to include the i4-core.jar file from the Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib directory as a compilation dependency.
Content Owner: Peter D
Localedge Project