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Where to find if a view is not activated

Completed David O. Administration Comments: 9 Reply 9 months ago by Yamini N.
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Get List dashboards in API Rest

Completed Geisson Integration Comments: 3 Reply 9 months ago by Geisson
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Append Broadcast Time in report header

Completed David O. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 17 Reply 9 months ago by Yamini N.
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Data source unavailable for 1 user

Completed Khushboo K. Data Sources Comments: 12 Reply 9 months ago by Yamini N.
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Broadcast to Non-Yellowfin Email

Completed Jasper D. Yellowfin website & Licensing Comments: 8 Reply 9 months ago by Yamini N.
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Union of two views count distinct patient ID

Completed Brian . Data Sources Comments: 17 Reply 9 months ago by Vamsi R.
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JavaScript API

Completed Zack W. Integration Comments: 68 Reply 9 months ago by Sharwari I.
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Persistent Assigning of Dashboard Based on User Group

Completed Jasper D. Dashboards Comments: 7 Reply 10 months ago by Vemu C.
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Auto generate report name

Completed Heng Y. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 16 Reply 10 months ago by Hari T.
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Broadcast Subject Body Character Limit

Completed Jasper D. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 4 Reply 10 months ago by Vemu C.
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Related Content Limit

Completed Jasper D. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 10 months ago by Vemu C.
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