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Content Folder was Duplicated

Completed Carly D. Administration Comments: 6 Reply 16 months ago by Sharwari I.
1 vote

ansible playbook to install yellowfin

Completed Ravindra Installation & Upgrades Comments: 8 Reply 16 months ago by Sharwari I.
1 vote
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Mixed Content warnings using https

Completed Justin P. Administration Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Anthony P.
2 votes

Columns missing from View

Completed Carly D. View Builder Comments: 7 Reply 16 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

Does Yellowfin support PostgreSQL-BDR?

Answered Yuu A. Installation & Upgrades Comments: 7 Reply 16 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Wrong file path while reading from UI

Completed Atonal W. Data Transformation Comments: 2 Reply 16 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

Ability to Union Crosstabs?

Completed Jolie R. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote
1 vote

Splitting Data Using a Delimiter

Answered Katherine Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 16 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

Unable to open info.jsp

Answered Michael Administration Comments: 6 Reply 16 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

Question on grouping in custom functions

Answered Dean F. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Need information about Private report access

Answered Pratiksha R. Administration Comments: 8 Reply 16 months ago by Vamsi R.
1 vote
1 vote

Bulk User Delete

Answered Jasper D. Administration Comments: 3 Reply 16 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

How to view user login history

Answered D G. Administration Comments: 9 Reply 17 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

Report Containing list of all views within the system

Completed Samuel H. View Builder Comments: 2 Reply 17 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote
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