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2 votes

Where to find if a view is not activated

Completed David O. Administration Comments: 9 Reply 9 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote
1 vote
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1 vote

Delete Draft contents automatically

Idea Logged Kalaiselvan Administration Comments: 12 Reply 11 months ago by Chris M.
16 votes

Import view shows wrong date information and warnings

Defect Logged Stefan H. Administration Comments: 7 Reply 11 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Preferred Language Setting

Completed Alena S. Administration Comments: 33 Reply 11 months ago by Vamsi R.
1 vote

blank screen on login. url showing /logon.i4

Completed D G. Administration Comments: 6 Reply 11 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote

Assigning Default Role based on User Group

Completed Carly D. Administration Comments: 6 Reply 12 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

Updating a user login email

Completed Siim N. Administration Comments: 6 Reply 12 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote
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