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1 vote

User Roles- Limit Report Writer to 'Create or Copy'

Not Planned Tony U. Administration Comments: 7 Reply 4 months ago by Eric H.
2 votes

System Administrator Password Lockout

Answered Adil A. Administration Comments: 4 Reply 4 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

Advanced E-Mail Template

Idea Logged Daniel B. Administration Comments: 23 Reply 4 months ago by Mark M.
10 votes

Database Validation Tool

Idea Logged Tarun P. Administration Comments: 3 Reply 5 months ago by Eric H.
4 votes

Forgot Password Popup Blocked

Completed Renato M. Administration Comments: 11 Reply 5 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Reports for admins, who can run/edit/delete reports.

Idea Logged Xavier O. Administration Comments: 10 Reply 5 months ago by Mark M.
12 votes

Upgrading tomcat to 9.0.85

Answered Joakim Administration Comments: 5 Reply 6 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

How do I search for ticket status?

Answered Peter R. Administration Comments: 5 Reply 6 months ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Base href

Completed Daniel Administration Comments: 5 Reply 7 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

User Profile > Settings > Dynnamic Filters

Completed Jim S. Administration Comments: 10 Reply 7 months ago by Sharwari I.
1 vote

NZ Geopack

Completed YangyangCai Administration Comments: 13 Reply 7 months ago by Mark M.
2 votes
2 votes

Exporting Reports as System Admin Role

Completed Ryan C. Administration Comments: 1 Reply 8 months ago by Chegudi P.
5 votes

Hide Draft Content within the User Menu

Completed Veronika L. Administration Comments: 4 Reply 8 months ago by Mark M.
1 vote
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