Is it possible to allow user to change only profile picture

Stefan Hall shared this question 15 months ago


we synchronize our YF users with our HR system, so name, email, privacy, etc. are actually fixed. Nevertheless, our users would like to customize their profile picture.

In the role permissions, I have not found a combination of permissions that makes sense. Either I lock the profile completely or I can prevent only few changes, like ID, email and profile picture. Strange.

Is there any other way?

;) stefan

Replies (4)


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for reaching out to support. I was able to adjust a user profile picture with the following steps:

1. create report consumer role user (default role settings) in Admin Console

2. login as report consumer, go to profile settings


3.Edit image by clicking on pencil over camera icon


4. upload image, save


Result - User Profile picture changed


So this works as expected out of the box, not sure what type of customizations have been made but there may need to be changes in the way the "synchronization" for users is set up. Would you be able to provide a copy of your info.jsp page?

I've included the working user role settings for reference. If this continues I'd recommend a fresh install of Yellowfin as this is working with default system settings.


Hi Eric,
I know how a user can change his profile. You have completely misunderstood me.
My point is that users can always change way too much (name, region, etc). I am looking for a way that the user can change ONLY his profile picture. Everything else makes no sense when the user data is synchronized with a third party system like HR-System.

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the reply. It sounds like you want more granular role settings for these profile change abilities, eg

-user profile - change name

-user profile - change region

-user profile - change picture

I can put a developer task in for this functionality if it sounds accurate, let me know if additional settings are requested.



Hi Eric,
what is the difference between a dev task and an idea in the community? Both take months/years if implemented at all, right?

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

"Dev Task" I use as a general term for any request; In the community, Defects are logged for functionality that is "broken" or not working as expected, versus Ideas / Enhancements, which are logged for additional functionality that doesn't currently exist in the application.

This request would fall into the Idea category, that said you can request an escalation of the respective dev task through your account manager if needed once created. Often a use case or impact statement can be helpful to get things prioritized in these cases.

We have a quarterly release schedule targeted, with the next version expected to release around mid-September.

Hope this helps, let me know how you'd like to proceed.



Hi Eric,
I understand that YF is not able to specifically release information from the UserProfile for editing. YF has an "all or nothing" approach there. Too bad, you can close the question.
I will see for myself if I submit an idea or not. After all, ideas often stay open for years without being worked on, probably not worth the time. I lock the function for our users, is just one fun factor less.

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Sounds good, I'll mark this question as Answered at this time.



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