All Ideas

Make information pages visible to Admin users only

Completed Dean J. Administration Comments: 4 Reply 3 years ago by Neal D.
2 votes

Converting Existing Yellowfin Users to LDAP Users

Idea Logged Gawie H. Administration Comments: 3 Reply 3 years ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Translation Pop-up On Saving Content

Idea Logged Yoav C. Administration Comments: 4 Reply 3 years ago by Nick
3 votes

Log unsuccessful login attempts of non-users

Completed David G. Administration Comments: 8 Reply 3 years ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Improvement in the import process

Idea Logged John-Arne S. Administration Comments: 0 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
2 votes

Allow to Mass Pause in Broadcast Management Console

Idea Logged Simon B. Administration Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Simon B.
1 vote

Hide Private Report option in Report builder

Idea Logged Asif B. Administration Comments: 3 Reply 3 years ago by Asif B.
1 vote

Adding Prefixes to Mass Number of Report Names

Idea Logged Lisa S. Administration Comments: 6 Reply 3 years ago by Chris M.
2 votes

Access content in the name of

Idea Logged Marc D. Administration Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Marc D.
2 votes

Please widen the Schedule Management window

Completed George P. Administration Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Lesley G.
4 votes

Super User login that is always active

Completed David R. Administration Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by David R.
1 vote

Separate the Dashboard Management role permission

Idea Logged Corinne K. Administration Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Corinne K.
1 vote

Improve the search box

Idea Logged Mitchell C. Administration Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Mitchell C.
1 vote

Construct Multitab URLs using external URL config

Idea Logged Santosh P. Administration Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Neal D.
1 vote

Add a universal language toggle button in the UI

Idea Logged Richard W. Administration Comments: 0 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
2 votes
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