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Add tag filters to broadcast file names

Idea Logged Nick E. Chart Builder Comments: 1 Reply 17 months ago by Chris M.
2 votes

Best way to handle clob fields?

Answered Stefan H. View Builder Comments: 16 Reply 17 months ago by Vamsi R.
1 vote

Chart Sorting Bug

Defect Logged Jasper D. Chart Builder Comments: 15 Reply 17 months ago by Vemu C.
2 votes

Add EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operands to filter options

Idea Logged Michal Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 17 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

how do I get big query to be a valid data source?

Answered Steve K. Data Sources Comments: 12 Reply 17 months ago by Vamsi R.
1 vote

Log event when data source connection attempts exceeded

Idea Logged Manish Data Sources Comments: 4 Reply 17 months ago by Mark M.
2 votes

Disable automatic refresh when a Dashboard was open

Idea Logged Guest Report Builder Comments: 14 Reply 17 months ago by Eric H.
6 votes

How to filter a Jasper Report?

Answered Carly D. Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 17 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote

Read Uncommitted in SQL Query Text

Answered Brendan C. Data Sources Comments: 4 Reply 17 months ago by Tim L.
1 vote

Not able to broadcast the dashboard

Resolved Ullar U. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 18 Reply 17 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote

Line chart - wrong number format in quick info

Defect Logged Stefan H. Report Builder Comments: 17 Reply 17 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

optimize editing of field settings- too much clicking

Idea Logged Stefan H. Chart Builder Comments: 2 Reply 17 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote
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