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How to Schedule/Trigger a Cached Filter Refresh

Idea Logged Kevin T. Data Sources Comments: 5 Reply 2 months ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Filter tables by schema in View editor

Completed Ingo K. Data Sources Comments: 9 Reply 5 months ago by Mark M.
3 votes

Bug / UI inconsistency on browse page for views

Completed Edgar K. Data Sources Comments: 3 Reply 7 months ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Data source unavailable for 1 user

Completed Khushboo K. Data Sources Comments: 12 Reply 9 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote

Union of two views count distinct patient ID

Completed Brian . Data Sources Comments: 17 Reply 9 months ago by Vamsi R.
1 vote

Redshift Content Breaks After 8.0.1 Upgrade

Completed Yellowfin F. Data Sources Comments: 2 Reply 15 months ago by Eric H.
2 votes

how do I get big query to be a valid data source?

Answered Steve K. Data Sources Comments: 12 Reply 17 months ago by Vamsi R.
1 vote

Log event when data source connection attempts exceeded

Idea Logged Manish Data Sources Comments: 4 Reply 17 months ago by Mark M.
2 votes
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Read Uncommitted in SQL Query Text

Answered Brendan C. Data Sources Comments: 4 Reply 17 months ago by Tim L.
1 vote

CSV Data Import Date/Time Format

Answered Matt R. Data Sources Comments: 5 Reply 19 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

Currency connector

Answered YF D. Data Sources Comments: 10 Reply 19 months ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Where is the view cache storing the data

Answered Heng Y. Data Sources Comments: 4 Reply 19 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

Create HSQL database get error

Answered Heng Y. Data Sources Comments: 4 Reply 20 months ago by Eric H.
1 vote

connection to YellowFin Config DB

Answered Sachin Data Sources Comments: 5 Reply 20 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote
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