Option to Pin/Favourite Content Folders so that they appear top

Vinay shared this idea 13 months ago
Idea Logged

We would like the option to have the ability to Pin/Favourite Content Folders so that they appear at the top.

As it stands the only workaround would be to navigate to Advanced Settings within the Content Folder, then select Sort Order:


More information can be found here: https://wiki.yellowfinbi.com/display/yfcurrent/Content+Folders

This works, although going through x amount of Content Folders is tedious. We want the option of being able to select a specific Content Folder thus then having the option to Pin or mark this as a Favourite so that it appears at the top of the list when looking through Browse.


Replies (1)


Hi Vinay,

I hope all is well,

I have gone ahead and logged this as an Enhancement with our development team, all updates will be mentioned in this ticket.



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