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5 votes

Restrict the type of broadcast and share

Idea Logged Richard C. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 7 Reply 2 years ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Set default attachment type for broadcasts

Idea Logged John D. 2 years ago Broadcast & Report Export No Comments
1 vote

Broadcast failure error

Answered Patrick H. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 0 Reply 2 years ago by Guest
1 vote
1 vote

Clean ReportBroadcastResult table

Answered Daniel M. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 5 Reply 2 years ago by Daniel M.
1 vote

Be able to cap frequency of broadcasts

Completed Richard C. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 5 Reply 2 years ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Formatting a report with charts

Defect Fixed JonT Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 4 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
1 vote
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