Broadcast/Sharing option in Yellowfin

Rohan Hazarika shared this question 3 years ago


I had a question regarding the broadcast/sharing option in Yellowfin. I have a report which is a co-display report containing ~30sub reports inside it. When opening the report, it doesnt always load all the reports (im guessing because of the amount of data it needs to pull). If i select the sharing/broadcast option to send the report as an email, will YF wait to pull all the data and send the report as a PDF file or will it also maybe encounter a timeout issue?

Replies (5)


Hey Rohan,

I hope you are well!

I believe it would need to pull all the data through before sending out as a PDF, though, if you are worried about the process timing out, you could increase the timeout so that it keeps the connection open for longer :)

You can increase the timeout via the data source connection > connection pool

I believe the default is 3 minutes (180 seconds) - are the connection pool settings still using the default values or have these been changed?

Best Wishes,



Thanks but increasing the time didnt really help. Some parts of the report still does not load. Is there anything else i can try to make the all the reports load?


Increasing the number of connections helped


Hey Rohan,

I hope you had a lovely weekend!

I am glad to hear that increasing your number of connections has helped - What was the number of connection you had previously?

The default settings as they are, are only meant for testing purposes for a single user in a dev environment, so we suggest increasing most default configurations to match your system requirements

Here is a link to our wiki page which has more details on this - this does not include information on the UI settings for datasource connections, however, the specifications can also impact the performance of your environment

Let me know if you have any further questions - I am happy to help :)

Best Wishes,



Hey Rohan,

I hope you are well!

Since I have not had a response to my previous reply, I will go ahead and mark this ticket as complete - however, if you do need further assistance with this, please let me know, I am happy to help :)

Best Wishes,


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