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Store and it's customers on a map

Answered D G. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 4 months ago by Eric H.
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How to put an ORDER BY into the SQL of a report?

Completed Alex K. Report Builder Comments: 18 Reply 4 months ago by Deepak C.
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parameter value as a filter

Answered Heng Y. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 5 months ago by Eric H.
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Show Spend as a % in a crosstab report

Completed Joonas K. Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 5 months ago by Sharwari I.
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Supressing row total blank or 0 in a report

Completed Joonas K. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 5 months ago by Yamini N.
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Top-N report on very large result set

Completed Ingo K. Report Builder Comments: 11 Reply 6 months ago by Deepak C.
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Advanced function : SUM ? AVG ?

Answered Josselin G. Report Builder Comments: 1 Reply 7 months ago by evawillms
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Embedding text across multiple reports

Completed Anna B. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 8 months ago by Eric H.
1 vote
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Related Content Limit

Completed Jasper D. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 10 months ago by Vemu C.
1 vote

Calculated field for year range with SalesDate

Completed Arjun Report Builder Comments: 15 Reply 11 months ago by Hari T.
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Reports show time in UTC instead of local time

Answered Manikandan A. Report Builder Comments: 17 Reply 12 months ago by Vemu C.
1 vote
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