Database Validation Tool

Tarun Pandey shared this idea 4 years ago
Idea Logged

We're run into multiple issues in the past that we were unable to resolve as we do not have a deep understanding of the Yellowfin DB structure. Rather than try to understand the DB, can we have a tool that can validate the Yellowfin DB health? This would check for;

-Orphaned records (records where parent records are deleted/changed)

-NULL values where there shouldn't be. E.g. a NULL value in one particular row could cause UI export issues.

-Key Generator Tables and ID's. We had a case where a DB was migrated, though the key generator tables were not re-created so the new DB was overriding existing data.

-Disconnected Fields on views. While we have queries to identify this, this should be included in the overall DB health check.

-Table indexes. We know indexes get created as part of the install, though would be good to check that all indexes are present based on latest release.

Replies (3)


Hi Tarun,

I've logged this idea on your behalf to help with fixing broken DB's and records.

While we can all agree this is a good idea and something we want to work forwards, I'm also very aware this is a large task so no ETA's can be provided at this point in time.

I'll keep you posted on any updates, though don't expect any, anytime soon!





I would like to throw our support behind this enhancement request also.

In relation to disconnected fields I would suggest perhaps the ability to re-check disconnected fields using an option triggered from admin console, right click menu, or as a scheduled task




Hi Dean,

Thanks for the input, I've updated the developer task on your behalf, you can request an escalation of task ID YFN-19892 through an account manager if needed.


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