Migration from 7.1 to 9: Can I migrate using the import and export

Anil Kumar Kommineni shared this question 11 months ago

Hi Team,

Currently we are using yellowfin version 7.1 and we are migrating to fresh copy v9.10.0.1. Can I export views from 7.1 and import to latest version as a xml file. while doing this I am facing couple of warnings. Hence checking the feasibility. could you please confirm .

Note: In this scenario I am trying to copy from old version to new version, but not through upgrade path.

Replies (4)


Hi Anil,

I hope you're doing well. I didn't realise we still had customers using version 7. Bear in mind this version has been out of support for a couple of years at this point.

So as you might have encountered when trying to import your data, there might have been a warning stating that the version the files were created in are older and some issues may occur. We usually don't recommend exporting and importing beyond a couple of versions difference, so for example 9.2 to 9.7 might introduce a few problems.

That said, for your upgrade path, I would suggest you upgrade to the last version 7 - 7.4.16 first. Then to version 8 and finally to 9. This is because there are massive underlying changes to how reports and especially dashboards are structured between major new releases.

Kind regards,



Thanks for the information Chris, we are working on upgradation path option as well. Alternatively we are looking at the data migration from 7.1 UI to UI to avoid any upgradation issues. Is there any better way to move the metadata from version 7.1 to version


Anil K


Hi Anil,

When upgrades are installed, Yellowfin performs a number of data migration processes against your database to make it compatible with the new systems, this is why we recommend installing updates rather than attempting to migrate the data only.

The optimal method is to upgrade your old instance to 7.4 -> -> 9.11. At each upgrade stage, check that your reports and dashboards are still functioning normally. When you upgrade to 9, if you have a lot of data and dashboards, you need to run Yellowfin for a while as Yellowfin performs some updates after it launches. Then for optimal compatibility, install a fresh copy of 9.11 and migrate the data from your upgraded instance.

I hope that helps!

Kind regards,



Hi Anil,

Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Is there anything you are needing from me to help get this resolved?

Kind regards,



Thanks for your information, you can mark it to close.


Hi Anil,

Thanks for letting me know.

Have a good weekend!

Kind regards,


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