Forgot Password Popup Blocked

Renato Marcello dos Reis shared this question 12 months ago

Hi guys,

I'm trying to implement a hyperlink who manage to sent a user an email with a link to reset his password in case he forgot or blocked by accident.

It happens that Yellowfin already provides something that I can start with, however, I'm having issues implementing.


As you can see for the picture above, the hyperlink is already there, and it was taken from Yellowfin index.jsp example in developer files.

This hyperlink has the following codes:

<% if (vm.getRecoverPassword()) { %>
<a class="i4bodytext" href=""><app:message key="mi.text.forgotten.password" /></a>
<% } %>

Which calls the following script

function forgotPassword() {
NewWindow('PasswordForgotten.i4?return=blank', 'ForgotPassword', 300, 500);

Everything seems reasonable enough, but no matter what I disable in my browser, everytime I click on this very hyperlink, it says it's blocked.


I tryed a lot of simple things and the most complicated ones also, but I can't figure out why is not working.

Can someone help me with any info about it?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (1)


Hi Renato,

When I enable the Forgotten Password link in the administration console configuration settings, this pop-up does appear to work for me, in the Microsoft Edge browser:


Can I ask which browser you're using? Does it work in another?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Thanks a lot for your quick answer.

In my test enviroment I use Firefox and Chrome, but I tried to use Edge and had the same behaviour. The message is exactly the same in all browsers.


I'm not sure why is this happening. Any thoughts?


Renato Marcello


Hi Chris,

After your response, I tried one more thing. I have changed in my test enviroment, our index page to the yellowfin standard, so I can see if there is any code related that can be preventing this to work properly.

For my surprise, i found something, but with the standard page, we have another issue.


As you can see, I'm using the standard just for test purpose though I could correct my code to work exactly the same.

Now, when I click in forgot password, the popup opens, but it's immediatly redirected to "localhost/Timeout.i4". This redirection happens very quick and you cannot see it happening unless you are paying attention.

This redirection makes no sense to me, since you are trying to achieve the password reset, how can this being called?


As you can see, the popup opens a windows that shows that our session was expired. As I'm using the standard index page, I'm not sure if there's something specific in our enviroment that can be responsible for this. Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance.


Renato Marcello


Sorry Chris,

As I'm trying to understand, a lot of ideas came up and I'm just addind info here that maybe can help.

I gave up using the hyperlink and I've entered the address manually, but the behaviour is the same.


If I just enter this url, it redirects to timeout page.

Now, if I enter yellowfin with the correct login and password, and then, after successfully connected, enter the same url, it works like a charm.

It seems that it's trying to access only if connected to a session, which I cannot understand why.

Thanks once more.


Renato Marcello


Hi Renato,

I have personally noticed this strange timeout behaviour in the past, however for me it either goes away or I install a new copy of Yellowfin and then it fixes itself.

Can I ask which version of Yellowfin you're using? Are you also seeing the timeouts in the other browsers you've tried?

Have you changed the settings for how Cookies are stored?

Is your system time set correctly? Just confirm, are you using a custom timeout page, configured in Admin Console -> Configuration Settings -> Integration?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Somehow you just gave me the fix.

This enviroment is a new one I've installed a few days ago. I just reinstalled and now it's working fine. I'm not sure what could happened, because I didn't change any default parameters or even had time to configure the product at all.

Anyway, it's working now and I apologise for the trouble.

If you don't mind answering a final question about it. Is it possible to change the 4 days period for the link to expire?


Our clients asked us to change this to a couple of hours.


Renato Marcello


Hi Renato,

I'm glad that fixed it for you!

Regarding the password link expiry, that's a really good question. I can't actually find any information on customising that anywhere. If it is changeable, it's going to be a hidden configuration. I think I might have to ask the devs that one. I pinged them a message and will let you know when I find out. It could be this needs a new enhancement request.

Kind regards,



Hi Renato,

I've had this confirmed that this is hard coded in, so unfortunately it can't be set at the moment, would you like an enhancement post created?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

I would appretiate if it's possible to set an enhancement.

Thanks a lot for all your effort.


Renato Marcello


Hi Renato,

No worries! You can find the new enhancement over here.

I hope that's okay!

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

Kind regards,



Hi Renato,

I'll mark this ticket as complete as we now have an enhancement to track this Idea.

You might receive a Yellowfin survey email, if you have a few minutes, please could you give a rating, it really helps the team out!

Have a good week!

Kind regards,


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