New to the Yellowfin community? Start here....

The community is a hub for all things product support related, and is where you will find our support team. It is also a live place of communication for anything else Yellowfin, It not only allows users to get in direct contact with Yellowfin, but it allows users to get in contact with other users to share experiences, ideas, solutions which helps drive product change and improvements for all !

Logging in:

If you're not logged in, you cannot reply to or create any support requests, along with voting on existing posts. 

1. You can use your existing Yellowfin website login, if you choose the 'Login Via Portal' option.
2. You can register your own email address, and use the 'Login' option

If you need assistance with logging in, please shoot an email to

Your profile:

Your profile page is your personal dashboard which shows all your tickets, posts, comments, votes, and items you are following or subscribed to.

Make it personal, update your profile so that it really reflects who you are.
To make changes, select 'Options' > 'Settings'

Community Guidelines

Yellowfin is a community of real people who collaborate on questions, problems, and ideas about the products and services they are passionate about. We invite you to make your mark here, but we do have a few rules — as few as possible we promise. For everyone's sake, we are committed to enforcing these guidelines to ensure that all users of the Yellowfin Community have a positive experience.

Be real and honest

We think you'll have a much better community experience when you stand behind your actual words. A picture says a lot about a person so update your profile and outline a few words about who you are!

Win friends and influence people

This community is designed for discovery, collaboration, direct involvement, and personal recognition and thanks. Help others, and us, by sharing with a focus on building better products and services…together we can drive change!

Tell it like it is

We're into transparency, honesty, and truth. This community is based on the contributions of real people who put their reputations on the line. Be one of them. Ask tough questions and reward the candor of others.

Have (good, clean) fun!

We're cheerleaders for any activity that encourages the spirit of fun, so long as it doesn't hurt other people. Be sensitive to other users around you, and, in general, don't post negativity. Those things kill conversations, collaboration, and general goodness, just like in real life.

Be constructive with your criticism

Professional critics have something to teach us: They foster healthy conversation and debate without ever attacking people personally. Think about that when responding to others, and ask yourself the question: Would you say it to their face? Know that every Yellowfin employee comes in everyday, just like you, to make things better…it’s our job!

Spread the wealth

Make the community a richer place by sharing your experience and insight. You may have the perfect answer to someone else's burning question. This is the substance that makes the community work. It"s how you give back to the community that drives change!

Thanks for helping to build our community....cheers.

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