Concurrent licensing defines how many users can be logged in to Yellowfin at one time, using the SAME user role.
E.g. 3 writers can be logged in at one time.
When we create the license, we allocate the number of Readers/Writers that will be allowed to use Yellowfin. You can have as many Readers/Writers you want, as long as your license permits this. This means Yellowfin does not count the number of YF user accounts, but rather the number of active users logged in.
Another feature of this is the ability to login with the same user account across multiple machines, as the limit is defined by active session not account, so the login logic options will not take affect.
There are 3 Concurrency modes for a license:
- DISABLED - No concurrency is applied
- ALL - Concurrency affects all users
- READERS ONLY - Concurrency affects only users flagged as a 'reader'. This will not effect writers or admin users.
- NAMED - Concurrency affects all users, but users flagged as a 'named', are not counted towards the number of concurrent users (they can always log in).
Note: Technically there are only 2 types of users in Yellowfin, Readers & Writers. An admin user is just a writer account with more permissions.
If you are using a version prior to 8.0.10 and 9.6 you may see this warning but not have your license breach:
This can be ignored as it is incorrectly displaying the warning. When Concurrency is DISABLED in your license, this is value has no impact on your ability to use Yellowfin.
Still have questions about licensing? Check out this article for the full rundown on the Yellowfin License