Concurrent licensing just defines how many users can be logged into the Yellowfin system at one time, using the SAME user role. E.g. 3 writers can be logged in at one time.
When we create the licence, we allocate the number of Readers/Writers that will be allowed to use Yellowfin. You can have as many Readers/Writers you want, as long as your licence permits this.
There are 3 Concurrency modes for a licence:
- DISABLED - No concurrency is applied
- ALL - Concurrency affects all users
- READERS ONLY - Concurrency affects only users flagged as a 'reader'. This will not effect writers or admin users
- NAMED - Concurrency affects all users, but users flagged as a 'named', are not counted towards the number of concurrent users (they can always log in)
Technically there are only 2 types of users in Yellowfin. Readers & Writers. An admin user is just a writer account with more permissions.