All Problems

time series axis labels behaviour strange

Resolved Jonas D. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Mike S.
1 vote
2 votes

Cannot brush on line chart

Resolved Stephen V. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Mike S.
2 votes
1 vote

How to broadcast a Private Report to Users

Resolved Mansi S. Report Builder Comments: 6 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
2 votes
1 vote

Column heading getting cut off

Resolved Angela O. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Edit or clone view is very slow

Resolved Ederson K. Performance Comments: 8 Reply 6 years ago by Mike S.
2 votes
4 votes

panel reports are generated takig to much!!!

Resolved Miguel A. Data Sources Comments: 8 Reply 6 years ago by Mahesh T.
1 vote

Can't change dashboard subtab names

Resolved Siim N. Report Builder Comments: 6 Reply 6 years ago by Mike S.
2 votes

Mobile drill doesn't work

Completed Ederson K. Mobile Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Mike S.
1 vote

How to troubleshoot chart brushing?

Completed Stephen J. Report Builder Comments: 17 Reply 6 years ago by Mike S.
1 vote

Reference Code SQL Missing Aliasing

Resolved Stephen J. Data Sources Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Mahesh T.
1 vote

Need to select folder every time I save a view

Defect Fixed Phillip L. Data Sources Comments: 6 Reply 6 years ago by Mahesh T.
1 vote

Error when selecting date ranges from filter

Completed Bogdan K. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Mahesh T.
2 votes
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