Mobile drill doesn't work

Ederson Kamphorst shared this problem 6 years ago

Hi folks!

I have a report with a Drill Through report and I connect only to the filters, I doesn't connect to a column of the master report. It's work fine on the web browser but when I open de same report on the mobile app the Drill Through report doesn't work fine, the filters that I connect does't apply on the Drill Through report. Is that right? Is there a bug on the app? Or what I am doing wrong?

Replies (3)


Hi Ederson,

Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, there are several known defects related to Drill Through on mobile devices. Can you please be more specific so I know which internal task to link this to? Does your child report use filters using Pre-Defined Periods or Dynamic Dates? And just to confirm: you're trying to drill on a Hyperlink in a Drill Through report, correct? No charts are involved?




Hi Mike,

Does your child report use filters using Pre-Defined Periods or Dynamic Dates?

- Yes, I use on the date a pre-defined filter. (This month calendar)

And just to confirm: you're trying to drill on a Hyperlink in a Drill Through report, correct? No charts are involved?

It's correct, I don't use charts on this report.

I attach a file for more details.


Hi Ederson,

Thank you for your response and further details. Unfortunately, this is a known defect, whereby if the child report's default filter has "Dynamic Date" or "Pre-defined Periods", the Filter/Field does not pass to child report. I've added you to the client list of those being impacted by this behavior to our internal task and I'll let you know of any potential updates regarding a fix in this ticket.



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