
Joan Poblet
7 years ago
Last Activity:
4 years ago
Last Visit:
4 years ago
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Old-style views browsing

Not Planned Joan P. View Builder Comments: 10 Reply 5 years ago by David R.

Control file export's filename

Idea Logged Joan P. 6 years ago Broadcast & Report Export No Comments

Copy dashboard from a folder to another

Answered Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Joan P.

Replace option when copying/moving reports

Idea Logged Joan P. 6 years ago Report Builder No Comments

Filename format when exporting a report to a file

Answered Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Joan P.

Move/copy/replace reports

Completed Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 6 years ago by Guest

Storyboard: More than one chart in a content slide

Answered Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 4 years ago by Mark M.

Timeout in xlsx report exports

Answered Joan P. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Guest

Storyboard Theme options

Completed Joan P. Stories & Storyboard Comments: 9 Reply 6 years ago by David R.

Activating storyboard theme admin

Resolved Joan P. Administration Comments: 10 Reply 7 years ago by Mark M.

Manual update of the translation file

Answered Joan P. Installation & Upgrades Comments: 7 Reply 7 years ago by Joan P.

Max rows limit in "Report as a view"

Answered Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 10 Reply 7 years ago by Nathan S.

Labels in line/area charts

Answered Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 7 years ago by Mark M.

"soft links" in reports

Answered Joan P. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 7 years ago by Ryan C.