It is not possible to create a report based on the last view of the views list

Joan Poblet shared this problem 7 years ago

Dear all,

We have facing a problem with the report creation. We added few days ago a new view to YF with public visibility. When a Corporate writer tries to create a report, he/she goes to the bottom of the views list and try to click to the last one. The link is not active.

After inspecting the html, we have seen that is a div over the link of the view that prevent the Corporate Writer to click on the link.

In addition to that, if the Corporate writer filters the views list through the Search box, the view can be selected again.

Why is it happening?

Many thanks for your help.

Best Regards,


Replies (4)


Hello Joan,

Can you please tell us the the full version and build number that you are currently using?

We would like to attempt to replicate this issue and raise a bug if needed.

Best regards,



Hi Peter,

This is our current configuration:

  • Release:7.2
  • Current Code Version:20170613
  • Original Code Version:20151209
  • Current Schema Version:20130704
  • Build Type: FULLVERSION
  • Configuration Database:Oracle Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production

Many thanks for your help.

Best Regards,



Hello Joan,

Thanks for supplying us the information.

It looks like you are on a special interim build - these builds can sometimes have incomplete or broken functionality which can affect the general working of the system.

How critical is this issue to your install and functionality of this install?

I will follow up with David as he has been helping you with your install/interim build issues already.

Best regards,



Hi Joan,

Good news! This bug had already been reported and a defect raised, and has since been fixed and the fix will be included in the end of month build in 2 weeks' time.



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