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Can we drill down through cross tab report?

Answered Poonam S. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

Bug for Drag View

Answered YangyangCai Report Builder Comments: 10 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

Custom Totals Row, Calculation of a market share

Answered Mat C. Report Builder Comments: 6 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

Unattended Mode (i.e. From Command Line)

Answered JonGilbey Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Mark M.
1 vote

Filtering on Boolean Values

Answered Dwayne C. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

Question Re: - Using date-dimensions-for-reporting

Answered Nigel S. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Drill down to transactions

Answered Ashleigh G. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Regionalization Part Two

Answered Bill . Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

can we add more than one report in storyboard

Answered Madhurima Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Mark M.
2 votes

Formatting Filters

Answered Hugo M. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
2 votes

Reports - axis formatting issues

Answered Peter F. Report Builder Comments: 9 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

end of line for csv output?

Answered steve l. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote

Sort A Table Report In A Dashboard?

Answered Tal M. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Mahesh T.
1 vote

Calculate ratios

Answered Mike R. Report Builder Comments: 32 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
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Display Filters Values for all reports

Answered Gadi G. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Nathan S.
1 vote
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