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1 vote

How To Center a Table and Chart

Idea Logged Larry B. Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 2 years ago by Mark M.
3 votes

Chart Auto-refresh does not persist

Answered Laura C. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 2 years ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Not able to import the report xml

Answered Panchurajan N. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 2 years ago by David R.
1 vote

Remove trailing whitespace from table headers

Answered Sam Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by Sam
1 vote

Link on view field: Calculated Field

Resolved Dean F. Report Builder Comments: 9 Reply 2 years ago by Dean F.
1 vote

Build URL from three columns

Answered Ryan K. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by Ryan K.
1 vote

Expand and collapse table rows

Idea Logged Vicky Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 2 years ago by Neal D.
22 votes

Limiting Subquery results - how?

Answered Wesley T. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 2 years ago by David R.
1 vote

Audit on report deletion

Answered Nick Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 2 years ago by Chris M.
1 vote
4 votes

Gradient conditional formatting on table

Idea Logged Bradley D. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 2 years ago by David R.
9 votes

Allow subquery joins on non-output columns

Completed mark Report Builder Comments: 6 Reply 2 years ago by Neal D.
2 votes

Page Slider Option of "Above" = Both?

Defect Fixed Jason K. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by David R.
1 vote

Sum Outside of Subquery

Completed Larry B. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 2 years ago by David R.
2 votes
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