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Date filter not working

Completed Aaron M. Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 14 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote

Jasper Reports version 9

Defect Fixed Daniel Report Builder Comments: 47 Reply 14 months ago by Chris M.
5 votes

how do i convert data type timestamp to date?

Completed Carly D. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 15 months ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Typo (german) - "bericht" instead of "Bericht"

Resolved Stefan H. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 15 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Apply custom sorting to cached filter values

Completed Steven G. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 15 months ago by Eric H.
5 votes

Grouped Data: type mismatch

Defect Fixed Dean F. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 15 months ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Ability to add an option to create grouped headers

Idea Logged Ivan D. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 16 months ago by Eric H.
12 votes

Ability to Union Crosstabs?

Completed Jolie R. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Siddartha P.
1 vote

Multi Pie Chart Options

Idea Logged Venu G. Report Builder Comments: 9 Reply 16 months ago by Chris M.
3 votes

New Report - Ad Hoc option doesn't appear

Completed Brendan C. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 16 months ago by Brendan C.
2 votes

Calculated Field using Timestamp Field

Defect Logged Bell F. Report Builder Comments: 9 Reply 16 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Splitting Data Using a Delimiter

Answered Katherine Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 16 months ago by Chegudi P.
1 vote

Question on grouping in custom functions

Answered Dean F. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 16 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Add EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operands to filter options

Idea Logged Michal Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 17 months ago by Chris M.
1 vote

Disable automatic refresh when a Dashboard was open

Idea Logged Guest Report Builder Comments: 14 Reply 17 months ago by Eric H.
6 votes

How to filter a Jasper Report?

Answered Carly D. Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 17 months ago by Yamini N.
1 vote
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