Allow subquery joins on non-output columns

mark shared this idea 3 years ago

At present the join key between the master query and the subquery(ies) needs to be in the output columns, however we are finding many situations whereby the join key should not be in the output.

A simple example is that a date in the master query needs to be joined to a calendar. The output should be grouping by the week or month, however this is not possible because the date needs to be in the rows or columns field of the master query. Hence the output is grouped by the date and week/month as opposed to the week/month.

Essentially the join columns (ON CLAUSE fields) should not be enforced to be included in the output. When constructing the SQL statement in free-hand SQL this is possible but not via the ReportBuilder.

Could this be included in future releases or placed on the roadmap?

Replies (6)


Hi Mark,

Thanks for reaching out with your suggestion. I've logged this as an Idea for an Enhancement Request. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.




Hi Mark,

Hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that this task is underway and looks on track to be included in our 9.7 release due out later this year. Once I have confirmation of this I will let you know.




Thankyou, Much appreciated


Mark Czernkowski

Solution Architect | PiES

Mobile: +61 411586010 |

From: Yellowfin Support <>

Reply to: Yellowfin Support <>

Date: Friday, 17 September 2021 at 9:39 am

To: Mark Czernkowski <>

Subject: New Comment in "Allow subquery joins on non-output columns"


Hi Mark,

Hope you are well. With everything happening I lost track of this so I am sorry. I can confirm this did make it into 9.7 which is out now (though 9.7.1 should be out in the next week or two with some additional fixes which may be worth testing instead).




Hi Neal,

Much appreciated.

Keep me posted.



From: Yellowfin Support <>

Reply to: Yellowfin Support <>

Date: Monday, 7 February 2022 at 3:45 pm

To: Mark Czernkowski <>

Subject: New Comment in "Allow subquery joins on non-output columns"


Hi Mark,

Just wanted to let you know that this task has now been completed and included in the latest 9.7.1 release.

Change logs for the release are here.

Would love to get confirmation your issue has been resolved with the latest release, so please let me know how it all goes post update, and of course reach out if you have any questions on this.



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