All Problems

Report Canvas does not print correctly

Resolved Zack W. Report Builder Comments: 10 Reply 3 years ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Conditional Formatting Colors Legend on PDF export

Resolved Tara W. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 3 years ago by Mike S.
2 votes

Filter Breadcrumb Missing Scrollbar in v9.2

Defect Fixed Jason K. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Storyboard Export Charts overlapping

Resolved Tom N. Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 3 years ago by David R.
2 votes

storyboards not printing

Resolved Bradley D. Report Builder Comments: 6 Reply 3 years ago by Lesley G.
1 vote

PDF Shrink to Fit option not working in v9.2.1

Resolved Jason K. Report Builder Comments: 9 Reply 3 years ago by Mike S.
2 votes

BigQuery with reference ID filter does not work

Defect Fixed Guest Report Builder Comments: 11 Reply 4 years ago by Lesley G.
1 vote

problem in selecting date filter.

Defect Fixed sukhwinder Report Builder Comments: 7 Reply 4 years ago by Neal D.
2 votes

Reference code colours bug

Defect Fixed Matt K. Report Builder Comments: 6 Reply 4 years ago by Eric H.
2 votes
2 votes

Conditional formatting on subtotals

Defect Fixed Siim N. Report Builder Comments: 14 Reply 4 years ago by Mark M.
3 votes

Translation V7.4.7

Defect Fixed Marc D. Report Builder Comments: 8 Reply 4 years ago by Mike S.
1 vote

Histogram axis labels not applied properly

Defect Fixed Jonathan A. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 4 years ago by Eric H.
3 votes
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