What's the condition in chart to get Brushing feature to work?

Huy Dang shared this problem 7 years ago

I am trying to apply Linking Chart Brushing but don't know what the constraints to link them with other charts. In the default examples of YellowFin I couldn't find these chart as in following videos:

I tried to make some charts (can't make the same as in video) and I couldn't make them link success, I also read in Wiki but I couldn't find out the constraints to make them work.

Would you please help me how to configure and what is the constraints to make them work like in videos brushing in the scatter chart then 2 below charts are also updated?

I attached the video that I made but failed. I don't understand the logic behind the calculation of numbers that show in the filter of linked chart (very big number > 1.2 million vs the axis that I linked).

Replies (4)


Hi Huy,

Can you please export the reports or probably the Dashboard tab and send it to me?

After looking at it I will let you know the changes you need to make chart brushing to work.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Hi Mahe,

Yes of course. I attached the export file of these reports.

I am trying to make reports to work the same version as in this video: Link Chart Brushing to filter data - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW1i61lxiME.

Please help me to take a look on it. Thanks.


Huy Dang


Hi Huy,

I have tested it and looks like a bug.

Sorry to say that, so I have raised a defect and will update you once I hear from devs'.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Hi Mahe,

Thanks for your information. I still have a question about the constraints that need for Linking Chart Brushing working. Please help me to review that whether I understand it correct or not

The constraints is required for Link Chart Brushing in scatter is x, y must be number type that is able to filter by range to get the correct data in related charts/reports such as:

- For example x and y of scatter using Age and Invoiced Payment values for coordinators.

- Base on the range we toast it will able to get related records from Age between x to y.

- Base on the range we toast it will able to get related records that have Invoiced Payment between x to y.

In case x and y is more complex that must be calculated by an complex calculation that using multiple columns and complex virtual tables.

  1. Can we using Link Chart Brushing to link with other report?
  2. Currently I also need to use another field will apply linking rather than 2 existing fields using for x and y to link chart. Is it possible?


Huy Dang


Hi guys, I do not know if this thread is still active, I have same question as Huy Dang.

I want to relate two scatter charts through brushing filters.

Scatter chart one has two axes:

1) X axis: % change in metric A.

2) Y axis: % change in metric B.

Scatter chart two also has two axes:

1) X axis: % change in metric C.

2) Y axis: % change in metric D.

I want to brush some values in chart one and want this selection to be effective in chart two.

I related the two charts in the dashboard Analytic Setup via Link Chart Brushing. I connected the X axis of Chart 1 with X axis of chart 2 and same for the Y axes.

But it is not working as I expect. I brush some values (having certain percentages on both X and Y axes) but this selection does not affect the other chart. Sometimes it shows some values, sometimes it does not. I could not deduce any rules as how it works.

Any ideas?

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