Converting Existing Yellowfin Users to LDAP Users

Gawie Herbst shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged


One of our customers started using LDAP. When a user exists in Yellowfin and then tries to log in via LDAP, they get an error that the user credentials have matched to an LDAP user but the user is not an LDAP user in the configuration database.

According to the article below, this can be fixed by manually converting the user in the Yellowfin repository.

We tested this and it is working but it would mean that the customer have to convert every new user. They have more than a 100 users and they don't want to convert all users.

Is there a better way of doing this - we would prefer Yellowfin to automatically convert the users during login.



Replies (3)


HI Gawie,

Thanks for reaching out. I get what you mean; Hybrid setups / migrations can be a little tricky to manage with the way this is implemented. I think it would be good to have something implemented in the UI for this process - If you have an LDAP setup, you should have the option to "convert" or "link" the existing YF user profile content to an LDAP account in the User settings. It'd basically just be the article, in a button. And the users page would have the option to select multiple users as well. Does this sound like what you're looking for? If so I can get this to developers to work on.

Otherwise I think the best method would be some type of bulk query in the meantime. Let me know how you'd like to proceed.

Thanks, Eric


Hi Eric,

Yes, this is exactly what we are looking for. Alternatively, yellowfin could convert the user to an LDAP user during the first login after LDAP is configured.

With kind regards,

Gawie Herbst


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From: Yellowfin Support <>

Sent: Thursday, 13 May 2021 17:54

To: Gawie Herbst <>

Subject: Converting Existing Yellowfin Users to LDAP Users [#21861]


HI Gawie,

Thanks for confirming that for me. I've gone ahead and created a developer task to look into implementing this in a future version. I'll mark this ticket as Idea Logged for now.

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