
What is JavaFX?

JavaFX is a Java graphics library that was generally bundled with pre Java11 distributions. There are a bunch of external articles if you needed to read more, though in a nut-shell, you can think of it as the graphics generator for the Yellowfin PDF. 

How do I know if I have JavaFX?

Most Java11+ distributions do not include it out of the box, so if you are on Java11 or later there is a good chance you will need to install it. A very easy way to check is to simply use 9.3 and try to export a dashboard to PDF… do you notice the Export to PDF button is missing? That’s a sign you do not have it. Another way to check is to use the attached ‘ jfxdetect.jar’ 

How to run the jfxdetec.jar?

Running a jar file from your environment will differ based on your OS. However a general rule is to run this file using the
java –jfxdetect.jar command from your command-line/shell. 

Here is an example running from command line in Windows, where JavaFX has been added.

..and where it hasn’t:

Note: You will need to run this from your current Java directory

What version of JavaFX do I need?

Ultimately the version of JavaFX will depend on the vendor and version of Java you are currently using, as different implementations of Java will interact with the JavaFX packages differently.

Here are a few known working combinations of Java and JavaFX:

  • JDK 11 and JavaFX 15
  • Amazon Coretto JDK 11 and JavaFX 16

How do I add JavaFX to my Java?

See the following  post for more information: 

If you’re stuck and need some extra guidance, please reach out to our Support Team via our community, we will be more than happy to help.

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