Configuring Yellowfin to authenticate via Okta

These instructions primarily cover the Okta specific portions of the SAML bridge connection. For full instructions regarding the SAML bridge, see our wiki page:

Install the SAML bridge connector (can be downloaded from the Yellowfin marketplace)

  1. Unzip this file into the Yellowfin webapps folder (yourYFInstallation/appserver/webapps)
  2. Copy the yfws-xxxxx.jar file from (yourYFInstallation/development/lib) into (YourYFInstallation/appserver/webapps/samlbridge/WEB-INF/lib)
  3. This allows the bridge to be automatically deployed on startup

In Okta:

Create a new application. Select “Web” platform and specify the “SAML 2.0” sign on method

  1. General Settings: Provide the app a name
  2. Configure SAML:

General settings: This defines Okta’s connection back to Yellowfin. In the example above, the Yellowfin instance can be found at localhost:7474, and the samlbridge application is called samlbridge (the default). You will need to adjust these to point to your own.


  • Single sign on URL- acs.jsp
  • Audience URI- metatdata.jsp
  • Default RelayState - dologin.jsp
  • Name ID format - unspecified by default but can also be configured with emailAddress

Attribute Statements:

These are the attributes that Yellowfin will use when creating/searching for users. See the Yellowfin SAML web.xml configuration below.

Gather the needed information for the Yellowfin side of this configuration. Click "identity provider metadata" to view the needed information:

In Yellowfin's SAML plugin:

Open the file (yourYFinstallation/appserver/webapps/samlbridge/WEB-INF/classes/

  1. Fill in the Service Provider(Okta) fields pointing to the Yellowfin instance (these will be the same values provided to Okta
  2. Fill in the Identity Provider(Yellowfin) fields using the information provided in the "identity provider metadata" page
  3. For a full example see the attached file

Open the SAML Bridge web.xml file (yourYFinstallation/appserver/webapps/samlbridge/WEB-INF/web.xml)

  1. Specify the web-service URL and admin account. The SAML bridge will send SSO and user creation calls to the primary Yellowfin application using these credentials.
  2. Match the user parameters to those specified in the Attribute Statement section of Okta (you will use the alias provided rather than the underlying value)
  3. For a full example see the attached web.xml file

Logging into Yellowfin:

Once a user has been logged into Okta they simply need to be directed to the dologin.jsp page (or click the visit app button within okta). Using the above example:


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