All Ideas

Dashboard export formats enhancement

Completed YF D. Dashboards Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Lesley G.
3 votes

Dynamic Filters on Dashboards

Idea Logged Simon B. Dashboards Comments: 0 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
2 votes

Text/Parameter Replacement in dashboards (version 9)

Idea Logged Zack W. Dashboards Comments: 11 Reply 3 years ago by Eric H.
6 votes
1 vote

Dashboard Tab Navigation

Idea Logged Pooja P. Dashboards Comments: 0 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Dynamic Canvas Width

Idea Logged Julia M. Dashboards Comments: 8 Reply 3 years ago by Eric H.
3 votes

Display Report Name/Title on Canvas Dashboard

Completed Misty D. Dashboards Comments: 6 Reply 3 years ago by Mike S.
2 votes

Sub-Sub Tabs with Dropdown

Idea Logged Julia M. Dashboards Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Guest
2 votes

Is it possible to get the field value in code mode?

Completed Renato M. Dashboards Comments: 6 Reply 3 years ago by Neal D.
1 vote

Add Horizontal Filter Lists

Idea Logged Allen M. Dashboards Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Jared H.
3 votes

Hide/Show the report description on a dashboard.

Completed Richard W. Dashboards Comments: 3 Reply 3 years ago by Eric H.
1 vote

Ability to hide report names from dashboard portlets

Completed Peter F. Dashboards Comments: 3 Reply 3 years ago by David R.
3 votes

Dashboard Tab in 9.1 automatically drops down - Change

Completed Guest Dashboards Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Mark M.
1 vote

One Click Filters

Idea Logged Dean Dashboards Comments: 5 Reply 3 years ago by Mark M.
3 votes

Add Filter List to Dashboards

Idea Logged Allen M. Dashboards Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Jared H.
1 vote
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