Display Report Name/Title on Canvas Dashboard

Misty Dennis shared this idea 4 years ago

Hello - is it possible to display the report title for a table (not a chart) in a dashboard? Seems like this should be an easy option to set, but I can't seem to find it!

Replies (6)


Hi Misty,

Thanks for reaching out. Are you testing this on a Canvas or non-Canvas dashboard? If you create a non-Canvas dashboard you should see titles by default regardless of whether the report is a Chart or Table as long as you don't have Hide Report Name towards the top-right of the Report Properties toggled off:


If in a Canvas Dashboard, I don't see an option to display Title whether Chart or not:


I believe the thought was that Canvas is to be as flexible as possible, so if you want a title you can add it via a Text Widget and not be stuck with one font towards the top-left the Report/Chart, but if there's an option you've found in Canvas mode to accomplish this other that a Text Widget or within the the Chart itself when opening the report, then please let me know and I can assist in looking for same in a Table on dashboard




Yes, this is a canvas dashboard. I can turn on/off the title in the chart/report builder itself (not the dashboard builder), but there is no option for that with a table. I just assumed I was overlooking a setting.

So for tables, titles have to be manually added with a text widget - that seems odd, but ok :)

Thank you!


Hi Misty,

Yeah, I feel it’s a bit odd too. Perhaps we can change this to an Idea item with the idea being to add a toggle like there is in Non-Canvas Dashboards to display report titles. Please let me know if you’d be interested in that and I can go ahead and convert this and submit an internal enhancement request for this.




An enhancement request would be great. Thanks, Mike!


Hi Misty,

You're welcome! I've gone ahead and submitted an enhancement request.

Any potential updates regarding this will be posted here.




Hi Misty,

This option is now found in 9.4:


It's toggled to Hide Report Name by default, but once toggled off, you can see it displays the report title on top of the report in the Canvas Dashboard.

Considering this, I'm going to mark this Completed, but please don't hesitate to reach out with any further questions or concerns should you run into any issues testing this in 9.4 and beyond.



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