Unable to load Dashboard in YF9.2.2 after upgrading from YF7.35

Bhaskar Jebamani shared this question 22 months ago

Hi ,

Our client upgraded YF 7.35 version to YF 9.2.2 version. After upgrading, unable to load dashboard. Below error is found in the logs

2022-12-14 09:00:05.689 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication|Exception AddEditPerson()

2022-12-14 09:00:05.689 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication|End AddEditPerson()

2022-12-14 09:00:05.689 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication| Init PerformAction

2022-12-14 09:00:05.695 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication| _channel Created

2022-12-14 09:00:05.695 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication| Init remoteAdministrationCall

2022-12-14 09:01:05.719 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication|Remote Administration Call failed : The request channel timed out attempting to send after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.RequestAsync(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.RequestAsyncInternal(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)

at System.Runtime.TaskHelpers.WaitForCompletionNoSpin[TResult](Task`1 task)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)

at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(MethodCall methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)

at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(MethodInfo targetMethod, Object[] args)

at generatedProxy_1.remoteAdministrationCall(remoteAdministrationCallRequest )

at Applications.ReportConnection.PerformAction(remoteAdministrationCallRequest _serviceRequest, AdministrationServiceResponse& _response, Object[] queryObject)

NOTE : after restarting the system, the new error is as "This could be because the service is too busy or because no endpoint was found listening at the specified address. Please ensure that the address is correct and try accessing the service again later."

Replies (38)



just want to touch base to see if you had chance to read through my query. If you can let me know that would be great.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

Thanks for reaching out to Yellowfin support.

In 8.0.4 and later releases, we've made changes relating to architecture modernization. Due to this some custom pages referencing older frameworks may no longer function correctly. To resolve these issues, please follow the link below



Sri Vamsi


Hi Vamsi,

Thank you for the reply, I will be trying out the given solution in a day or two.

Adding to the reported scenario, YF 7.35 when installed on App and Web server or on standalone server, has the same issue (without upgrading).

Error logs are same.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

I just want to touch base to see if you had chance to read through my response. If you can let me know that would be great.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri,

The given solution didn't work for 9.2.2. As per the link, I updated index_misafe.jsp file and replaced the file under C:\SAFEReporting\appserver\webapps\reporting

Restarted the reporting service and did iisreset, when logged-in to our application and navigated to Report module, Report failed to load. But the report works when I login to admin console.

Please refer the word doc attached for the steps and the screen shot. Also I have attached the logs, along with our customized jsp file.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

We'd like to know which JRE version we're currently using, as well as a few other details that will help us to assist you further.

1. Have you tried upgrading JRE? JRE 11 supports versions 8 and later. Hopefully, this will fix the issue.

2. Please check the Tomcat update, since we need 9.0.62 to support version 9.


There may be problems with previous Java releases since some of our newer features will require more updated Java versions. Yellowfin 8, for example, will require Java 8 or above.



Sri Vamsi


Hi Sir,

We have Java 10 and Jre 11.0.16 (refer screen shot attached). Also, I have attached the README file of "ReportingConnector" to know about Tomcat.

This didn't resolve the problem.

Note: This issue is coming up in 7.35 version also.


Hi Bhaskar,

Can you please share the compressed copy of entire logs folder located at <yellowfinInstall>/appserver/logs.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Bhaskar,

I just want to touch base to see if you had chance to read through my response. If you can let me know that would be great.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Bhaskar,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this ticket as Completed due to inactivity at this time. Feel welcome to reach out in the future.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri,

Still I am waiting for the logs from customer, once I get I will update here.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Sri,

Please find the log attached.


Hi Bhaskar,

Can you please share the info.jsp file and please confirm whether do you have java FX is installed in your system?



Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri,

info.jsp is blocked for the customer, as the installer is customized. Also, on navigating with the given link in your previous comment, one of the internal link say "java FX is required for version 9.3" (ref link below). We are using YellowFin 9.2.2 version.



Hi Sri Vamsi,

Any update on this ticket. If needed we can schedule a call tomorrow ie., 16th Feb 2023 and check the issue. Please confirm


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

Sorry for the delay in response.

Before going on a call regarding this issue, could you please check the below.

The error message seeing in the logs indicates that there is a timeout occurring when attempting to make a remote administration call. This could be due to a variety of factors, including network issues or problems with the Yellowfin configuration.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check the network: Make sure that the network connection between the Yellowfin server and any remote servers or databases is stable and reliable. You may want to try pinging the remote server to see if there are any connection issues.
  2. Check the Yellowfin configuration: Make sure that the Yellowfin configuration is correct and that all necessary ports are open.
  3. Increase the timeout value: As the error message suggests, you may need to increase the timeout value for the remote administration call. This can be done by modifying the appropriate configuration file or setting the timeout value programmatically in your Yellowfin code.
  4. Check for other errors: It's possible that there are other errors occurring that are related to the remote administration call timeout.

To modify the timeout value in Yellowfin, you can either modify the appropriate configuration file or set the timeout value programmatically in your code.

  1. Modifying the Configuration File:

The timeout value can be modified in the web.xml file, located in the Yellowfin webapps directory. To increase the timeout value to 5 minutes, add the following lines to the web.xml file:


  1. Setting the Timeout Programmatically:

You can set the timeout value programmatically in your Yellowfin code by creating a new HttpSession object and setting the timeout value. Here's an example:

HttpSession session = request.getSession();

This sets the session timeout to 5 minutes (300 seconds).

It's important to note that changing the timeout value can have an impact on system performance, so it's important to test any changes in a development environment before implementing them in production.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri,

I have already increased the session time out and checked the network connectivity between the server(s), everything looks good.

Also, for your information, we don't have yellowFin source code to make changes for setting Timeout Programmatically.

If you have any YellowFin configuration for App/Web server combination, plz do share. As of now all the configurations w.r.t YellowFin and the systems seems to be normal.

Note: This issue from our customer is getting escalated. Hence requesting for get back ASAP.



Bhaskar Jebamani.


Hi Bhaskar,

Sorry for the delay in response.

Could you please let me know your available time to schedule a call. I'll be available in between 2PM IST to 11 PM IST. Please let me know your availability so that I'll send a meeting link accordingly.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri Vamsi,

Please share me your email id, I will send meeting invite on Teams, dated 08th March 2023, Wednesday 6:30pm IST to 7:30pm IST. please let me know if this time works for you.

Meanwhile, PFA on the configuration document which we tried on the client environment.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

I have shared the meeting invite with you as you mentioned in previous ticket. Kindly please join the call to discuss further on your issue.

Click on here to join the call


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri Vamsi,

Received the invite and will be joining the call along with our client.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Sri,

I have uploaded the logs folder to your ftp.



Hi Bhaskar,

Thanks for sharing the logs. I'll check and keep you posted


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri Vamsi,

Any update on the issue. Can we connect again on Thursday 16th Mar 2023. Please let me know.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Sri Vamsi,

Waiting for update on the reported issue as its a blocker for client to go live. Requesting to take on priority and revert back.

This is a long pending issue about two months now.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

We are escalating this ticket to L2 support team. I have mentioned our findings while we are in remote session. We will keep you posted on this for further update


Sri Vamsi


Hi Sri Vamsi,

Requesting to mark this ticket as blocker and need action ASAP, as it has blocked our client from going live. Its almost 3months now.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Sri Vamsi,

can u share the FTP link to upload report dump data.


Hi Sri,

I have uploaded the dump data for yellow fin FTP.



Hi Bhaskar,

I will step in on behalf of Vamsi.

Looking at the error message: 2022-12-14 09:01:05.719 -05:00|Information|ReportsApplication|Remote Administration Call failed : The request channel timed out attempting to send after 00:01:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.RequestAsync(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)

This looks something external t YF is throwing this error (but not yellowfin), hence it may not come under YF support's scope.

I could surf through the net and see an article: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/6c8da6ea-2ab8-4caa-b162-790f7f13f74a/the-request-channel-timed-out-while-waiting-for-a-reply-after-000100-increase-the-timeout-value?forum=aspwcfasmx for increasing the timeout values.




Hi Deepak,

Above mentioned steps we have performed months back, by increasing the time for WCF API request. As updated in one of the comment, we found connection is not getting established between App Server and Web Server for Reporting Connector. When we installed our SAFE application, its able to establish the connection between the servers but NOT YellowFin.

Note: This issue have blocked client from going live and its 3 months now. I see this is getting dragged. Requesting for immediate action.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Deepak,

Below is the finding by our client. Requesting to revert back ASAP.

One note to consider is the port 8009 connection issue. We have configured the firewall settings to allow port 8009, along with others:

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 1433 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 1443 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 2103 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 25 IP Ranges: Attached to Seperate Security Group

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 443 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 445 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 5000 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 80 IP Ranges: Attached to Seperate Security Group

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 8009 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 8080 IP Ranges: []

Protocol: TCP | Port Range: 8443 IP Ranges: []

However, when running netstat, port 8009 doesn’t appear to be established or listening. We’ve confirmed the other ports are active and enabled through the firewall. We suspect there may be an issue with Apache/Tomcat installation



Bhaskar Jebamani


Hello Bhaskar,

Thank you for the follow up. Apologies for the delayed response here.

We were discussing this case internally to determine whether further progress could be made. From the Yellowfin support standpoint, the instance appears to be working fine after the upgrade when accessed alone, but when the integration came into the picture, there were instances of timeout exceptions (which are thrown by external system but not Yellowfin). Upon reviewing the situation and the previous phone interaction that you had with the Support engineer were he looked at your system and its current workflow to understand if Yellowfin throws any logs or any error or see if any other blockers etc. and confirmed that Yellowfin is up and running.

We believe that this could be a direct result of the configuration/integration that is making the issue. Additionally, we confirmed over the phone that Yellowfin is operational following the upgrade (but not the integrated environment) and saw this. Further to it, technically, any activity related to the system integration, network related, or firewall requires review and investigation on your part because it falls under the out of scope of support for us to investigate further. We would like to request you that you may need to examine your workflow to determine what is preventing connectivity here. If you require a more in-depth analysis of the out-of-scope investigation, you can get in touch with the appropriate Customer Service Manager (CSM). Let us know if you have any questions, we would be happy to help.

Sainath Yadav
Manager, Technical Support


Hi Sainath Yadav,

I was able to find and resolve the issue faced by the customer on one environment. On this environment, we used "service account" instead of "Local Service" in the reporting window service's logon property.

Will be trying out the same on the other environment.


Bhaskar Jebamani


Hello Bhaskar,

Thanks for sharing the updates on the progress made from your side. Good to hear that you were able to find and resolve the issue faced by the customer on one of the environments. Please let us know if you need any assistance from our side, we would be happy to help.

Sainath Yadav
Manager, Technical Support


Hi Sainath,

Resolved the issue on both the environment by changing the "Reporting Service" property on "Logon As" from "Local Service" to Service account user.

But clients asked, when SAFE and other application are running on "Local Service", why YellowFin is not working on "Local Service" ?

Requesting to find the root cause and let me know the findings.



Bhaskar Jebamani


Hi Bhaskar,

I believe "Local Service" account does not have access to network and isolated to local system only.

While "Network Service" account has access to local system + network access.

I am not sure why YF app does not allow "Local Service", ideally it should allow us to run (as we can see it runs for many clients - It could be related to the way we have configured in our infrastructure), but the way communication between systems happen, probably go over Networking stack.


I hope that helps.




Thank you Deepak for the details. You can close this ticket.


Bhaskar Jebamani

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