Yellowfin release management

Note this will come into effect with the releases published in June 2018 onwards

Yellowfin releases builds quite frequently which are based around a few goals

  • Include new features
  • Make bug fixes available to customers as soon as possible
  • Make our major and minor product version release schedules reasonably predictable

When do you make releases?
Patches will be released as needed and under our agile development process, so always hard to give exact dates.
In most cases, we have an annual major release, one or two minor releases annually, and then a few patches quarterly. 

What is a Major/Minor/Patch release?
Major releases are big changes to the product, which usually revolve around core functionality.
Minor releases are mainly to implement a few product features. 
Patch releases are mainly to address bug fixes, and some smaller feature requests.  

Version naming conventions
Yellowfin uses a three-place numbering schema to designate released versions for its major (XX.), minor (.YY), and patches (.ZZ)
As an example, releases will use the below number format:
Major release = “7.0” • Minor release = “7.4” • Patched release = “7.4.7”

Where can I get release information? 
Change logs will cover the minor/patch changes to the product and are updated with published releases.
Release notes will cover the latest and greatest release and will be found on our community when our releases are published. 

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