I'm having problems exporting to PDF in 9.3 or above

In 9.3.1, we reintroduced the ability to export Dashboards and Presentations which includes a new export process under the hood with a requirement for the JavaFX package. JavaFX was originally part of Oracle's JDK8, however this has since been removed in the later releases.

We have identified a few common issues being faced and have looked to document some solutions to these issues.

To start with, please ensure you are running at least Java 1.8.0_171.

I do not see an option to export a Dashboard/Present to PDF

If this option is missing, your Java version does not include JavaFX and must be added manually. This article will help you add JavaFX to your system.

My PDF exports are coming out blank

This issue stems from an incompatibility between your Java version and your version of JavaFX. To resolve this, we would recommend one of the following combinations:

  • Oracle JDK 8 (no JavaFX required)
  • Oracle JDK 11 and JavaFX 15
  • Amazon Coretto JDK 11 and JavaFX 16

I am getting an error when exporting to PDF

If you are using Yellowfin below 9.4, there are two properties that you may need to set in order for the PDFs to export. 

If you are experiencing any of the above issues, or anything similar but the solutions provided here do not resolve your issue, please reach out to our Support Team via our community, we will be more than happy to help

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