Using clustered 9.3 and when exporting a Dashboard/Present to PDF I get an error

Yellowfin FAQ shared this problem 3 years ago

I've gone through and read everything for 9.3 exporting dashboards to PDF requirements, along with this post 'Exporting dashboard to PDF in 9.3 gives me an error'

Though even after all of this I still cannot get my Dashboards to export. I get the same error as the above post, and I do have Yellowfin clustered.

How do I fix this?

Best Answer

With the release of Yellowfin 9.4, a valid external base URL is no longer required. If you are still facing the above issue on 9.4 (or later) please reach out to our Support Team, we will be more than happy to help.

Replies (2)


If you have set a valid external base URL, and using YF in a clustered environment, the issue most likely relates to the nodes not actually being able to reach the server via the external base URL specified. This can happen in scenarios where the nodes do not have internet access and cannot reach the YF server.

To resolve this issue, you will need to add a parameter to the Yellowfin. web.xml file under (\<Yellowfin>\appserver\webapps\root\web-inf\) in order to tell the nodes how they can reach that external base URL.

1. Stop Yellowfin

2. Make a copy of your web.xml file

3. Stop Yellowfin

4. Add the following parameter to the MIStartup servlet of your web.xmlWhere <param-value> Set the YF server address that the node can reach.

 5. Restart Yellowfin. 

If you’re stuck and need some extra guidance, please reach out to our Support Team via our community, we will be more than happy to help.




With the release of Yellowfin 9.4, a valid external base URL is no longer required. If you are still facing the above issue on 9.4 (or later) please reach out to our Support Team, we will be more than happy to help.

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