Discontinue support for Marketplace content

Mark McGuire shared this announcement 16 months ago

The Yellowfin Marketplace has historically provided access to a variety of additional content such as connectors to third-party SaaS applications, Geopacks, Prebuilt themes and other Pre-built content. This content was always provided free of charge and limited support was available through the usual support channels.

Yellowfin has made the decision to discontinue support for Marketplace content from 1st November 2023.

For new requirements or ongoing support of existing content, Yellowfin recommends the following:-

The number and variety of cloud-based data sources has exploded since Yellowfin first started creating third-party connectors. In addition, those data sources are rapidly expanding in scope and existing data definitions are frequently changing.

Our Customers need a Connector partner who will continue to expand their connector range as well as ensuring connector definitions are up to the minute. Yellowfin has decided to partner with CDATA who are the market leaders in data connectivity. You can learn more about this partnership here.

We encourage Customers who have new connector requirements to explore the appropriate CDATA connector solution.

Please note that if you are currently using a Yellowfin-built connector; swapping third-party connectors will require the view and any associated report content to be re-created.

As an alternative, for Customers who would like to continue to use the Yellowfin Connector for free, we will be making the source code available via the Yellowfin GitHub portal. Yellowfin will no longer be modifying or supporting this code, but you are free to make use of the source code under the terms of the open source agreement contained in GitHub. You can access the code via the following links:-

Google Analytics Connector
Google Sheets Connector
Salesforce Connector
Twitter Connector

Storyboard Themes
Storyboards were replaced by the new Yellowfin Present feature released with Yellowfin Version 9.0. With the end of support for Yellowfin version 8 from December 2022, Storyboards are no longer a supported feature and thus Storyboard themes will no longer be able to be downloaded.

Formatters, Transform Steps
The Formatter and Transform Step plug-ins currently on the marketplace will no longer be supported. If you wish to access a legacy version of this code, please contact support.

Geopacks contain additional geographic and census information designed to enhance the use of maps within Yellowfin. Many of these Geopacks are now out of date. Customers wishing to obtain updated versions of this data can do so by engaging Yellowfin consulting services. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for further information.

Pre-built Audit Content
Audit content will be made available via the Yellowfin GitHub, you can find this here.

SAML Bridge
The SAML Bridge will be available for download from here.

Further information
Customers wishing to maintain plug-in source code themselves can follow the instructions for extending Yellowfin here.

For any questions, including questions, please contact the support team.

The Yellowfin Team

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