LDAPUpdateTask and GroupFlattenTask do not run daily

Guest shared this problem 5 years ago


UPDATE: I was looking in the old DB, the tasks are running correctly.

But I added a new group in LDAP last thursday and when I want to add that group to a usergroup in YellowFin it can not find that new group. What is needed to get new groups in LDAP visible in YellowFin?

Both LDAPUpdateTask and GroupFlattenGroupTask have run yesterday 2019-10-06 and the group was added on the 3rd.

I also manually added the FlattenGroups.jsp and ran it. There is no visible feedback when it is ready but I let it run for about 15 minutes. Should be enough. But after that the group is still not available in YellowFin.



Replies (3)


Hi JeRoen,

Thanks for reaching out. When you say the group is unavailable in Yellowfin, are you referring to when you go to the User Group > Add Members > LDAP Group, as per our User Group Wiki? Also, have you ensured your LDAP Group is configured correctly within the LDAP Authentication Configuration settings within Yellowfin? Please double-check against our Wiki for this here.

Are these new users a part of a Client Org? If so there are additional steps that you'd be required to take, which you can read more on here.

Do you see the new YF Group show up before you run the FlattenGroups.jsp? Finally, have you ensured the users and corresponding User Groups are found in both YF and the AD server? I especially suspect there may be some sort of mismatch in this aspect considering that what the Group Flatten Task does is it "flattens all LDAP groups and rebuilds them so if new users have been added, or existing users have been removed this will make sure the LDAP group in Yellowfin also matches the server." You can read a bit more on this here.

If none of the above proves fruitful, can you provide the LDAP Group string from within the YF's LDAP Configuration > LDAP Group settings?




Hello Mike,

I am sorry to say it was a mistake from my side. After looking at the group in question with a fellow worker we saw the difference directly. There were 2 cn= definitions in the group. So that was the mistake I overlooked. When I removed the wrong one it was working correctly.

I am sorry to have bothered you.




Hi JeRoen,

Not a problem. Thanks for letting us know. As long as the issue is resolved, that's all that matters!

This considered, I'll go ahead and close this ticket out.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns.





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