Upgrade to 8 - Time Series Slider and Report Min/Max Filters

Vikas Bhorhari shared this question 5 years ago

Encountered following issue


All report is working fine in 7.4 ENV, we upgrade this env to YF 8.

1.Time Series Graph Slider bar year month not display

2.Report filter -2 more values (Minimum and maximum value )

For more information refer attached doc

Replies (3)


Hello Vikas,

I hope you are well.

1. Time Series Graph Slider Bar

With the release of YF8 the time series graph slider was redesigned to a more simplfied view, there is currently not a method to add the time series as previously seen in version 7.4.7.

If you would like to see this feature possibly return I can raise this as an Idea so that within the Interactions configuration of the report you can select between the two styles of slider.

Please let me know if you would like me to raise this.

2. Report filter (Minimum and maximum value)

These two options are now added by default in the latest versions of YellowFin. Currently there is no option to remove these, if you would like I can raise this as a serpeate Idea to the above so that within the filter setup we can add an option to hide/remove the default selectors witin the filter.

Please let me know if you would to raise this.

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard


Thanks for quick response.


Hi Vikas,

Would you like me to go ahead and create two Idea's for the points previously discussed?

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard


Yes sure and close the ticket.


Hi Vikas,

I have created these to ideas within our system:

Idea 1. https://community.yellowfinbi.com/topic/time-series-graph-slider-bar

Idea 2. https://community.yellowfinbi.com/topic/report-filter-minimum-and-maximum-value

All future correspondance regarding these ideas will be updating on their corresponding tickets.

I have now marked this question as answered.

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard

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