Ability to set default filter values when access filters are used

Bradley Dixon shared this idea 7 years ago

Hi Guys,

I need the ability to default a filter value for a particular user. For example if I have a staff member who looks after the Sydney region I need the filter to default to Sydney but also have the ability of changing the value to Melbourne or Brisbane as needed. This is on dashboards, reports and storyboards.

Also need to consider when dependent filters are used in this scenario.

This all stems from not being able to set default filter values when source filters are also used.



Best Answer

Hi All,

It's been a while, though I'm happy to report that the ability to set a default value, even when access filters are enabled is now in the latest Yellowfin 8.0.6 and 9.2 releases. The feature has been implemented via the option to select the first value in the filter list:


To learn more about this feature, visit the filter format options in the wiki over here.

To find out more about 8.0.6 and 9.2, please check the respective change logs.

There are still plans to enhance this further via custom SQL though no ETA can be provided at this point.

If you have any questions on this, have feedback, or run into any issues, please let us know.



Replies (10)


I second this as a great enhancement. One of our biggest customers is asking for this. The would like a few filters to be set based on the user.


Hi Gadi,

Thanks for the input! In thinking about this more, I tend to think that this will be difficult to implement, but do agree that there are cases where it could be quite useful.

I am going to go ahead and convert this one into an idea so we can get the product teams input.




I wonder if creating a freehand SQL option to retrieve default filters values would solve most issues. We don't allow that option as yet, but maybe something to think about.


This is what I have been thinking

In the same way that we can create a list of cached values using freehand sql we should be able to do the same with getting a default value

We should be able to implement this using Source Filters as well (using the same methodology that we would have to use for create a list of values)

This should be very easy to implement

You could even do it without freehand sql if Source Filter is used (where the Source Filter has to return 1 or many rows dependent on whether the operand is EQUAL or IN)


If you want to discuss this more give me a call - we would love this (have customers who would really like this feature)


Hi Gadi,

What you're after has been discussed in the past, and raised to the product team.

It's something we would love to implement just haven't figured out a way to handle this. It's essentially the ability to have default filter values when source filters, or source substitution is involved.

Will keep you posted on any updates, but at this point in time no ETA has been set.

Please let us know if there was anything else you were after.




Hi Jenny,

I remember the NHS asking this question 3 years ago, and I'm afraid the answer hasn't changed since then....Yellowfin filters will only take 1 default value - it is not possible to set a different default value per logged in user. Would you like me change this Ticket into an Idea? (I can't find the old enhancement request for that ticket from 3 years ago - must be because it was raised in the previous ticketing system)




Hi Dave,

Yes please. And though I understand it would never be delivered I’d still like to have it logged as an idea. Because it would be an awesome functionality to have.

Thanks again and please close the ticket.

Jenny Kirillova


no worries Jenny....done! (and also raised internal enhancement request YFN-9402)



We use organization access filters and it would also help us to set different default per organization.




Thanks Yoav, noted your interest on the enhancement ticket.


Guys, we are desperate about this feature. Any progress or updates on this one? Thank you.


Whether you cache filter values on demand or pre-cache them based on schedules using access filter, you can probably simplify the task at hand by allowing YF users to set up a default filter value as one that user chooses (static - as it is implemented in YF at the moment) or you can provide YF users with the ability to set up a Default Filter Value dynamically (Top 1 from the list of values returned for the user of the access filter). It will resolve lots of problems with Dashboards/Reports filters based on access filter. Is it doable? Let me know if you need more explanation.


Hi Jenny thanks for the suggestions.

Unfortunately at this point in time this is not currently planned, though something that will be reviewed in the coming weeks, so we can work out we can address in the future, and when exactly that may be.

Sorry for being vague on this, it's just hard to provide more info without this fully being explored.

I'll keep you posted on any updates.




Hi Team, any update on this. This is a massive blocker to setting up client orgs with reports inherited from default.


Hi Nick,

This is definitely at the top of our improvements list, I know we were planning on bringing this in 8.1, though I think it's been pushed back a bit. There is a bit of work do it, as we need similar functionality for data source substitution. Pretty sure we're going to be implementing it via this feature first. We will let you know once it's ready for a release, it will happen!




Thanks David. Good to know it is still in pipeline.

So the feature you have linked to, would it be similar to setting custom query filter values? or more static?

For example a query that returns a dataset mapping each access filter value to a single default value?

Id A -- Default A

Id B -- Default B

Or more along lines of independent query that returns a single value and won't be filtered by acccess filter or allow parameters?

Regards, Nick


Hi Nick,

It would be like a custom query filter, not a hard coded static filter. In saying this none of this is done as yet, but we're aware of the situations where it's needed so will ensure source filters and data source substitution is supported.




Any update on this?


Hi Roopinder,

We're making some changes in the upcoming v9 to accomdate these scenarios. Will update this idea once it is officially out.

If you would look to find out more on v9, please reach out to your local Yellowfin CSM, or alternatively email support@yellowfin.bi to open a private support ticket and we can see how we can further assist.




Sorry to chip in so late but setting the default value for each customer / enduser / clientorg might be difficult as different endusers might have different idea's about what the default filter should be.

As I see it the access filter (or any filter) is used give you option's and one of the should really be to run the report with a set default filter option. A simple checkbox to set default to first value found would be enough. Especially with the idea to have filter value's remembered on dashboards also.

In our case that would be a nice solution. For new endusers the report is then shown with data and they have the option to change. Instead of an empty report or all values (in our case hospital so it is not OK to show just all data).




Thanks JeRoen for the feedback, it's always good to get more use-case scenarios to help us ensure we're really thinking about the change impact.

There are a few ways we want to tackle this, but I do think having it default to the first option in the list is going to be the best outcome for most people. This way people will always see data, and it will only be for the first thing in the list, so they won't see everything straight off the bat, but they will see something, and then have the ability to change it again and save the bookmark for themselves.

Will keep you posted on updates, but I can assure you this is one of the enhancements we've been reviewing internally to get some traction.




Hello David,

Thanks for letting me explain my use-case.

I do not understand very well what the ability to have bookmarks would solve about the question asked. Only when you have a lot of filters you want to change or very large filters and you want a complex combination of values. For that the current bookmarks is fine.

In my case I have only one filter I want a dynamic (for each user) value for. We are talking about access filters after all, of which you will have, in most cases, just a few. To use a bookmark you need to open the sidebar, click bookmarks and click the bookmark you want. To adjust a filter I open the sidebar, click the filter and then the value. So both situation demand 3 clicks.

So with 20 reports endusers have to manually create 20 bookmarks (for each report one) to get the value they want. As about 50% of endusers will only have 1 option in the filter (hospital filter so just one but different between users) there will also be people who have 2 or more. For those 50% you do want to show the report/dashboard immediately without the need to select a filter or bookmark. The the first value scenario would be very good in that situation.

Also bookmarks do not work on dashboards. Has this changed in 9?




Hi JeRoen,

Bookmarks on dashboards are supported on v9.

Everything else you're after is something that needs to be looked at for the enhancements pitched. There are essentially 2 enhancemnets that are being looked at;

-The ability to set the first value as a default value

-The ability to set a default value based on a custom query.

Both are being looked at updates will be posted across these ideas. Until then there is not much more I can offer unfortunately.

Sorry for the vague answer.




Hi All,

It's been a while, though I'm happy to report that the ability to set a default value, even when access filters are enabled is now in the latest Yellowfin 8.0.6 and 9.2 releases. The feature has been implemented via the option to select the first value in the filter list:


To learn more about this feature, visit the filter format options in the wiki over here.

To find out more about 8.0.6 and 9.2, please check the respective change logs.

There are still plans to enhance this further via custom SQL though no ETA can be provided at this point.

If you have any questions on this, have feedback, or run into any issues, please let us know.



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