Co-Display Reports not Broadcasted

KGAcosta shared this problem 4 years ago

I have created a CO-display reports but when i broadcast them not all the reports are showing, some of them are not being broadcast. Can you help?

Replies (4)



Thank you for reaching out to us on this. There are a few reasons this could be happening, which will depend on us finding out some more specifics on your issue. Can you please provide answers to the following questions:

  1. What version and build number of Yellowfin are you using? This can be found by saving your /info.jsp file as a PDF and forwarding it through to us. To access this page, please append /info.jsp to your Yellowfin URL (eg http://localhost:8080/info.jsp)
  2. What type of broadcast are you using? Email, FTP, Smart Task?
  3. What file type are you broadcasting? CSV, XLSX, PDF, DOCX, HTML?
  4. Does this report/view use Access Filters?
  5. What is the output you see in the files? Do you just have blank pages where the Co-Display would be, or is there an error message?

With answers to the above we can start to unpick this issue.





Hope you are having a good start to the week. I wanted to follow up and see if you were able to provide some answers to the following questions so we can further assist on this issue:

  1. What version and build number of Yellowfin are you using? This can be found by saving your /info.jsp file as a PDF and forwarding it through to us. To access this page, please append /info.jsp to your Yellowfin URL (eg http://localhost:8080/info.jsp)
  2. What type of broadcast are you using? Email, FTP, Smart Task?
  3. What file type are you broadcasting? CSV, XLSX, PDF, DOCX, HTML?
  4. Does this report/view use Access Filters?
  5. What is the output you see in the files? Do you just have blank pages where the Co-Display would be, or is there an error message?





I am checking in again to see if you were able to provide some answers to the following questions so we can further assist on this issue:

  1. What version and build number of Yellowfin are you using? This can be found by saving your /info.jsp file as a PDF and forwarding it through to us. To access this page, please append /info.jsp to your Yellowfin URL (eg http://localhost:8080/info.jsp)
  2. What type of broadcast are you using? Email, FTP, Smart Task?
  3. What file type are you broadcasting? CSV, XLSX, PDF, DOCX, HTML?
  4. Does this report/view use Access Filters?
  5. What is the output you see in the files? Do you just have blank pages where the Co-Display would be, or is there an error message?





I hope things are going well over there.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be closing this request due to inactivity. However, if you ever wanted to re-visit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let me know.



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