ability to paginate/scroll on a chart

Bradley Dixon shared this idea 6 years ago
Idea Logged

Hi Guys,

When creating a chart I need the ability to paginate the chart and have a scrolling option on the chart.

As an example currently a bar chart appear to be fixed width however it will not scroll or paginate based on the number of bars/columns it is displaying. So when there are only a few bars the bars become very wide to fill in the space and when there are many items the bars become squashed to fit the bars. I need to be able to specify the width of each bar and the chart shrink or scroll as a result of the number of items being displayed


Replies (2)


Hi Bradley,

There is currently no option to paginate or scroll on a chart. The size of the chart itself can be adjusted but not the bars/columns themselves directly or for scrolling the chart. For a full range of the options you have available can be found here, but what you are looking for as stated is obviously not there.

Perhaps there may be a different way you could view the charts in question, such as the use of sections in a tabbed format so less bars are displayed (when excessive bars are created).

I have changed this question to an idea and will raise this as an enhancement with our dev team.




Hi Bradley,

This has now been logged into our system as a possible enhancement. If there is any movement on this I will let you know.



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