Raising a feature request

Trying to accomplish something that just doesn’t seem possible with the YF platform? Raise a feature request.

All feature requests should be raised on the Yellowfin Community, here are all the good reasons why.

  • Searching the community for an existing feature request is going to allow you to vote on an existing feature request, which will help with feature reviews prioritization
  • Not on the community? You get to raise it for others to vote and show their interest
  • The YF Services Team will review each request with the aim of providing an alternative solution (and in some cases better).

Want to reach out to us directly?

Not a problem we still got you! We will however raise the idea on behalf of yourself with relevant information.In order to help us get this reviewed as efficiently as possible, here is some useful information to include in your request

  1. Detailed information about your request. Do you need to include some screenshots, or link to external articles? Anything at all that is going to help us understand exactly what you’re trying to achieve.
  2. Environment Details. Please provide an export of your system information, along with any information that might be related such as hosted vs local install etc..ONLY provide system information when dealing with YF services directly, do NOT post System Information on the community.
  3. Additional Info. Anything that you may have already tried, have a place of reference etc..

We look forward to working with you on your request.

The Yellowfin Services Team

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