Yellowfin continue to work without repository db connection

Vefa Gulecyuz shared this idea 3 years ago

Hi guys, as far as I know and I tested, Yellowfin does not work if repository db connection is lost.

The connection can be lost for a brief period of time for any reason, or in our case, the primary node (writable) node of repository db can restart. This pod restart takes around 10-20 seconds. (We also have second or third nodes but they are read-only and YF did not work with read-only nodes)

Is this somehow possible to cache the repository db contents until the db connection is up again?

So Yellowfin can continue to work during these lost connection times.

I am using YF 9 with Postgresql 10.3 as a repository db.

Application Version:9.4.2

Replies (3)


Hi Vefa,

Thanks for contacting Yellowfin and I hope I can answer your question!

Currently, Yellowfin can't run without a connection to the repository database. Your best bet is to have writable fall-back nodes in the case where the primary one is restarting.

In a situation where the database was cached, it would be very difficult to write back any changes to the repository, if say 20-50 users were currently logged in.

I can create an enhancement request for your idea, but I have a strong suspicion it might not be possible.

Kind regards,



Hey Chris, no worries, that is fine. Thanks for the reply.


Hi Vefa,

No problem! Enjoy your weekend!

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