When click on Dashboard option from Navigation Menu, the redirection goes to default po

Sachin Ambulgekar shared this question 7 years ago

Hello Team,

One of my client is using the Reverse Proxy (reporting.abc.com) to access the YellowFin server, and it is observed that when we click on Dashboard option from Navigation Menu, the redirection goes to default port [x.x.x.x:8181], whereas the rest of the navigation goes to user facing URL as expected.

I am interested to understand how come the navigation to the Dashboard redirects to the actual host and port instead of using the current URL which is available in the browser's address bar.

Best Answer

Hello Sachin,

My guess would be that any page where a UUID is appended to the URL is handled by Tomcat. This would happen on both Dashboards and Reports but not any of the navigation pages themselves.

Does this make sense?



Replies (7)


Hello Sachin,

Thanks for reaching out with your question. One quick thing to check is the setting under "Administration" > "Configuration" > click the Gear icon > "General Settings" > "External Instance Base URL":


I've set this to the value of the URL I want loaded.

This may or may not benefit your issue. It would be helpful if you could provide some additional information on the network map and configuration of your redirect. Is the device accessing Yellowfin on the same network as the Yellowfin Server itself? What mechanism do you have handling the port redirection?

I configured a Linux server with Yellowfin installed to redirect port 80 to 8080 through iptables, set up the URL to IP lookup in my desktop hosts file, and tested browsing Yellowfin and didn't experience this same behavior. Any additional information will help me better determine what we're running up against in your scenario.




Hello Rayan,

Unfortunately I am not aware of what exact configuration been performed on client machine to enable the reverse proxy URL for YellowFin and not using the direct IP or YellowFin host to access the application. Yes, the YellowFin server and reverse proxy URLs are is same network , but from client's machine only few ports are opened while accessing the reverse proxy URL.

I have attached the doc with more details and snapshot of use case. To be specific, there is not an issue open , this is just query where I am interested to understand , why there is only change is traffic/URL route happens when I click on Dashboard option




Hello Sachin,

Thanks for providing this additional information. The addition of proxy parameters to the Connector class is an excellent resolution. I was going to suggest something similar once I had verified the network concept at hand.

As far as why this behavior occurs, I feel it has to do with the manner in which Tomcat is directing a user through the application. That is to say, the proxy handles the initial redirection and connection, but once the session is established Tomcat will route the traffic according the values and parameters set within its Connector class(es). This would explain why passing the proxy parameters into the Connector class resulted in a solution, as it told Tomcat to redirect back to said proxy.

If you feel this information has answered your inquiry, please don't hesitate to select a best answer. If you have further questions on this let me know.




That is what I thought as well, that proxy hadling the initial redirection but failing the successive one's , but I have the contradictory observations than what you mentioned. [Unfortunately I do not have evidence on that at this moment]

As soon as I click on Browse -> Dashboard the issue occurs , whereas if I navigation from Browser -> Administration or any navigation other than Dashboard it works just fine. So the reason, i basically wanted to know, what is difference when I click on Dashboard :)




Hello Sachin,

My guess would be that any page where a UUID is appended to the URL is handled by Tomcat. This would happen on both Dashboards and Reports but not any of the navigation pages themselves.

Does this make sense?




Yes, that certainly makes sense. Please consider the reported query is addressed .

Thanks for the help


Hi Sachin,

I'm happy to help!



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