web-jsps.xml included in web.xml with absolute instead of relative path

Stefan Hall shared this idea 20 months ago
Idea Logged

Currently the web-jsps.xml is included in the web.xml with an absolute path. This works, but requires a manual intervention at every update, if you are not allowed to use an embedded TC for security reasons.

An integration via a relative path seems to work and the less manual intervention the better. Please adjust this in the next version in general, a quick solution

<!ENTITY jsps SYSTEM "file:./web-jsps.xml">

instead of

<!ENTITY jsps SYSTEM "file:/opt/Yellowfin/appserver/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web-jsps.xml">

Replies (1)


Hi Stefan,

I'll raise this as an enhancement request with the development team.

Just to be clear, does a manual change to a relative path work and remain after every update?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

for us it looks good, seems to work. I can update Tomcat and spontaneously change the web context, all no problem, it keeps working.

But without your adjustment it is not permanent. Every update from you, so new yellowfin.war file brings the hard coded path back and I have to make the change again. This is already unnecessary ;)


Thanks for clarifying Stefan, I'll add this to the enhancement.

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